E-mail is the best way to make contact! Nikki de Prey can usually respond within 1 business day.
0131-208 4646, but please note that this will be picked up by voicemail – e-mail is the best way to make quick or urgent contact and will always be responded to within one business day, thank you!
de Prey Consulting
P.O. Box 23964
United Kingdom
Authorised by the Immigration Advice Authority (IAA – formerly the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner, or OISC), Level 1, straightforward applications made under the UK Immigration Act and British Nationality Act
Ref No. F201300780.
Clicking on the Badge below confirms that I am verified as registered with IAA.
de Prey Consulting Ltd is also a member of the Immigration Law Practitioners Association (ILPA).
de Prey Consulting Ltd is a private limited company trading as de Prey Consulting
Company Number SC464044
de Prey Consulting is confident you will be happy with the services provided by Nikki de Prey, but should this not be the case for any reason, you may make a complaint to:
The IAA – https://www.gov.uk/find-an-immigration-adviser/complain-about-an-adviser
The Information Commissioner, if you wish to make a complaint about how your data is handled by de Prey Consulting – https://ico.org.uk/concerns/handling/
Please note: de Prey Consulting does not handle EEA applications, Global Talent, or appeals.
de Prey Consulting is an immigration consultancy based in Edinburgh, UK. Nikki advises clients on the variety of visa applications for entering or remaining in the UK. For more information read about her background in About dPC.